Fiat Iustitia

octombrie 3, 2023

Data Safety Instructions For Website Owners

Privacy of data is a situation in which the old adage "prevention is better than cure" is certainly true. A tiny bit of harmful code uploaded on your website could cause massive damage. From a pop-up to a system breach, or even the theft of a password or session. You should include in your security policy for data how often and by whom you scan your system for malicious code and what security measures are in place to limit the risk.

Ensure that any scripts or software used on your sites are updated regularly. Hackers are targeting security flaws in the popular web software and a deficiency in timely updates can make your system vulnerable. It is also recommended to restrict access to databases or networks to only the minimum number of people required to perform their work.

Create a plan to address potential breaches. Then, assign a person from your staff to oversee the process. Depending on your business, you might need to inform law enforcement, customers and credit bureaus. This is a significant action that must be planned in advance.

Implement strong password requirements on consumer accounts and make sure you have a reliable method of storing passwords, including the use of upper and lowercase numerals, special characters, or using salt and hash functions that are slow. Avoid unnecessarily storing confidential information about users, and if you do, minimize the risk by encrypting the data or eliminating it after a certain amount of time.

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